Tuesday, 28 June 2011

House of the Flight of Birds

This is somehow unfinished work. I really like this building because there are many architectural things. This building is definitely love it or hate it. I didn't like that much at the beginning. It seemed there were too many ingredients in a food. 

It was another challenge to make non straight line buildings. While I was drawing this, I found more interesting  architectural points, such as the near side curvy part is following the staircase. 

I still feel there is something missing. I can't get rid of this thinking. Maybe because there are many details missing, for example, not right size of window frames, etc. I decided to leave this work this point. If not so, I would hold this one until I die :p

Anyway, the staircase part is absolutely genius and the usage of inside and outside is also fascinating.

This work based on a photograph from this web site, http://www.architizer.com/en_us/projects/view/the-house-of-the-flight-of-birds/23994/

Monday, 27 June 2011

Home Sweet Home

It's my current place. As you can see, it's very tidy...totally different from real life. I might have to put few IKEA bags on that shelf next time.

Table Design

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Invisible cities, Diomira

My first invisible city, Diomira. This is not exactly the same city on the book. Hopefully my drawing skill is better when I draw the last city from the book.

....a city with sixty silver domes, bronze statues of all the gods, street paved with lead....when the days are growing shorter and the multicolored lamps are lighted all at once at the doors....

Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino is such a good text book for me to inprove my imagination and creation. Highly recommended!

나의 첫번째 보이지 않은 도시, 디오미라. 내가 그린 도시는 내 상상력이 조금 더해져서 책에 나와 있는 도시와는 약간 다르다. 

 ....a city with sixty silver domes, bronze statues of all the gods, street paved with lead....when the days are growing shorter and the multicolored lamps are lighted all at once at the doors....

이탈로 칼비노의 '보이지 않은 도시들'은 상상력과 창의력을 향상시켜주는 교과서와도 같다. 어른들한테도 흥미롭지만, 어린 아이들한테도 너무나 추천해 주고 싶은 책이다. 

Saturday, 25 June 2011

British Museum Sketchup + Vray

'SketchUcation' is one of my favourite site to learn about Google Sketchup. I found a tutorial about curvy roof which was talking about British museum roof, http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=24305

Friday, 24 June 2011

Laminated floor Sketchup + Vray

1. Make a base layer which would be underneath laminated floor. This make an effect of gaps between panels.

처음에 마루 아래 깔아 놓을 레이어 하나를 만드세요. 이 레이어는 나무 판넬 사이 갭을 표현해주기 위해서 만들었습니다.